MT Explorer 30

MT Explorer MassTech is proud to introduce our 3rd generation portable/field deployable 3D ion trap mass spectrometer with atmospheric pressure interface, the MT Explorer 30 (MTE30).

The new MTE30 is significant fraction of the size, weight and cost of its predecessor while providing capabilities similar to the full sized MT100 and MT50. The compact design makes it perfect for field use and its powerful MS-n function makes structure elucidation easy to achieve.

Building on decades of knowledge and work, as well as our experience with the MTE100 and MTE50, the MTE30 was developed from the bottom up to provide laboratory-level analysis in the field. The key to achieving our goal for size was finding a way to shrink the bulky vacuum chamber of the standard lab mass spectrometer and combining it with our uniquely designed 3D ion trap mass analyzer. Finally, we knew that our customers or field technicians would need to be able to conduct basic maintenance, so we designed the system for easy disassembly and cleaning.

The performance of the MTE30 matches that of the major OEMs (see Table 1 for basic specifications). Its atmospheric pressure inlet makes it easy to switch between a variety of sources such as our own ESI, AP MALDI, Direct Sampling Atmospheric Pressure (DSAP) ion source with replaceable APCI (Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization) and sESI (Secondary electrospray) cartridges. For more information on our in-house sources, please take a look at their page under Products on our website, or just click on an image to be redirected.

Parameter Value
Mass range: 30-2000 Da
Scan rate: 1,000 to 4,000 Da/sec
Mass Resolution: 0.5 Da
Mass accuracy: better than 0.3 Da
Weight: 37 lbs. without laptop
Dimensions: 8” x 12” x 13”
Nano ESI Source DS APCI  
nanoESI source DSAP source with sESI
and APCI modules

We are particularly excited about the opportunities the MTE30 gives its customers to perform laboratory-level analysis on site that is supported by operation from both AC and DC (battery) power. The potential for food safety, environmental analysis and threat detection are obvious uses for a portable device such as the MTE30. The power of MS-MS, however, expands the capabilities of the MTE30’s user to perform peptide analysis for biological determination. One could potentially verify the type of food product (Cow or horse? Snapper or tilapia?) within seconds, not days, saving retailers from fraudulent suppliers. Researchers can save days of travel by simply performing analysis in the field rather than having to waiting to verify data at a lab. All this from a system competitively priced with your standard desktop instrument.

Sample Spectra

Negative ESI-MS of the calibration mixture

APCI-MS/MS of Methamphetamine, 2ng

Additional Information