MassTech, Inc. is proud to announce that our compatibility list for the AP MALDI and AP MALDI HR product line has increased.

We are happy to report that we have recently completed a round of tests and installations on AB Sciex 4000 and 5000 series triple quads and QTOFs. You can see data from some of these machines in our App Notes section over the next few weeks.

We also have completed the installation of our AP MALDI on Agilent’s newest 6490 mass spectrometer with the Ion Funnel and multi-bore capillary at the University of Victoria in British Columbia. The new optical interface works perfectly, and potential customers with the newer Agilent machines can order AP MALDIs in base and HR configurations immediately.

Our tests with Thermo-Fischer in Bremen on their Q-Exactive instrument with the AP MALDI HR have resulted in excellent data. We hope to show an App note with the results of the experiments prior to PITTCON, 2014.

Finally, after months of work, we are almost ready to unveil Target version 7.0. The new version of Target has various settings for automated modes and improved driver/installation support for a unified installation interface. Keep an eye on our website for the announcement of general availability!

It’s been an exciting year for MassTech, and we hope to continue expanding our product lines and applications in 2014. Seasons greetings, and Happy Holidays!